Munich Fabric Start Spring/Summer 2019 - Processing my reality
'Processing my Realities.' This is the overarching trend theme at the latest edition of MUNICH FABRIC START. It impressively reflects the power of those interactions which seem so violent at present within the textile and fashion industry. The clash between online and analogue, between Industry 4.0 and skilled craftsmanship, between the virtual and the existent. And between Man + Machine, the concept theme of the BLUEZONE.
You need a great deal of resilience to move within these worlds and allow a homogeneous whole to develop. Providing an initial impression of the transformation in real time and of the original materials and findings for the Spring/Summer 2019 season is the trend installation featuring an additional photo gallery and video installation in the foyer of the MOC.
MUNICH FABRIC START brings together the vitality of all these apparent opposites and converts their energetic potential into a stable platform with a mature and future-oriented identity and reality. Focused on product optimisation and the further development of solutions-oriented process innovation.
MUNICH FABRIC START also once again offers an exclusive and jam-packed agenda of supporting events specially developed by textile and fashion experts for these increasingly demanding market segments – a programme that provides impulses, indicates solutions and offers the opportunity for direct exchange. One that provides information on future trends and tendencies and leaves scope for exciting discussions. The programme includes trend seminars, panel discussions and workshops.
In this pioneering and progressive spirit the KEYHOUSE, as a specially created centre of expertise and innovation for technological progress and sustainable innovations, focuses on e-textiles, bio-tech, sustainability as well as advanced manufacturing. The strong and intensive integration of technology and development within the product segments is one of MUNICH FABRIC START's prime areas of expertise.
Integrated into the exhibition concept at KEYHOUSE are the prizewinning developments of the HIGHTEX AWARD, MUNICH FABRIC START's innovation prize, that has already been presented four times now. An expert jury made up of media representatives and fashion professionals viewed and evaluated the most innovative product developments in the Smart Textiles, Sustainability, Resource Efficiency and Circularity Process segments in the run-up. Presentation of the HIGHTEX AWARD makes it possible to reach a marketing-relevant audience and have the kind of media impact that is proven to boost product launches long-term.
Over the past eight years organic selection has developed into a meta-sourcing and trend information platform for innovative materials, blends and production techniques. Presented here once again is a large, inspiring, trend-setting and topical selection of innovative, future-oriented and sustainable fabrics, additionals and processing trends. Annexed onto this is the Sustainable Innovations Forum, a special section for sustainable new developments and innovative highlights.
As a show in show concept the key Denim & Sportswear Brands will be presenting their latest product developments and process solutions in the BLUEZONE, one of the most important denim shows worldwide, from 30 to 31 January 2018. Dedicated workshops, panel discussions as well as the first screening of the documentary River Blue followed by an expert panel discussion supplementing the trade fair feature. The BLUEZONE with its special Man + Machine theme also focuses on the dialogue between manual skills and technology. At times harmoniously complementing each other and at others highlighting their differences. This is reflected in their continued focus on the idea of the Concept Zone. Thematically supported by panel discussions and lectures in the BLUEZONE Denim Club centring, amongst other things, on the development of fitted jeans, the future of heritage, the automation of finishes and sustainability in practice.
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