5 Fall/Winter Fashion Trends among College Students
The summer has swiftly come to an end. Gone are the days of short nights and sweltering hot afternoons. For students, this means packing away the drinks, summer shorts and dresses and pulling out the books.
It is time to get back to work. You are no longer a carefree student on vacation, you are now a soon-to-be accomplished essay writer. While your sleep habits and emotional state may be set to take a knock, your fashion sense does not need to suffer. Fall and winter can be the season of style and poise if you follow these five tips.
Ease into things with sportswear
With a new semester looming, it is advisable to literally hit the ground running. If you take a quick look at a fashion catalog, you will see that sporting apparel is in at the moment. This means that you can be comfortable and productive at the same time.
If you lack in inspiration in this arena, then all you need do is summon the spirits of the hottest icons of the 80s, 90s and even 2000s. These are the people that are being emulated at the moment. If your future sees you sprinting around campus in search of a writing helper, then do it in a velour tracksuit. You can also throw together a crop-top and tracksuit pants for those slow mornings or a vintage-looking tracksuit hailing straight from the 80s.
Go big with a big jacket
This fall, you want to look your best, but you also want to be warm. Getting a chill from that cool winter air is the last thing a college student needs. Luckily for you, a big oversized jacket will work wonders in keeping back the cold while keeping you in the fashion loop. Items of clothing like this are a rock-solid investment.
If you are smart about your purchase and select a leather, corduroy, or denim coat, then you need not worry about how to pair it up with an outfit. These coats go with almost anything. Furthermore, matching up this jacket with a pair of pants in the same color will let you slide from writing an assignment to a night out with style and ease.
While the initial payout for a coat like this may be relatively high, a good-quality coat will last for years, making it worth the price tag. Be smart about where you buy this coat and you'll have enough money left to get some homework help online when the college work increases in intensity.
Red means go
Summer does not own colors. Winter may be dreary, but it certainly does not need to be dull. This fashion tip will work perfectly for the morning after a work-filled sleepless night.
If you need a pick-me-up, then try splashing some red around. Red clothes and outfits are about to become the rage. Don’t worry about your work assignments. You can trust the essay writing service EduBirdie. The online expert writers there will help you with thesis, dissertation and all other college writing work.
You can start small with one item of startling red clothing, or you can jump in and wear an outfit made entirely of red. The collections showcased on the runway recently saw both of these options. Your arsenal of red clothing can include hats, pants, shirts, or even boots. The only guideline here is to try and match shades of red if you are going for a whole ensemble of color. Once that is out of the way, let your heart run free. Embrace the color of love.
Less is sometimes more
Here we are going to take a trip back to the 70s. Before you run off with notions of flower power and the age of the hippies, we are actually referring to the minimalism that was seen in fashion back then.
This does not mean less clothes, but rather neutral-colored clothes. This color scheme includes browns, off yellows and darker shades of red. If you are at a loss as to how these fit into an outfit, then why not try a mustard yellow turtleneck? Pair this with a pair of flared leg pants and you will be good to go. Other items of clothing to bear in mind are textured jackets and button-up skirts. These can act as the anchor and inspiration for your next show-stopping outfit.
Add some flare
In the previous tip, we mentioned flare leg pants. This may have produced a frown on your face. But have no fear, we are not veering you off-course. The wide and flare leg pants are back and you should hop on board.
Skinny jeans have held the spotlight for too long. It is time for them to step aside for pants that will shape your rear and accentuate your waist. This is the power of the high-waited and flare leg pants. While on your next shopping excursion, do not select bright colors because you miss summer. Instead, look for the neutral and minimalistic tones. These are the classic options.
A black or grey pair of flare leg pants will make you the most stylish essay writer on campus. There is also no need for a wardrobe change with this outfit choice as it can work in both the day and night.
The bottom line
There has been a lot of talk about colors and style in the previous points. But there is one last thing that needs to be mentioned and that is comfort. College is an extremely stressful time. You do not need to be stressed about your work and your outfits.
To achieve a fall/winter look that you are proud of, there is no need to break the bank or your mind. Focus on buying a couple of solid items of clothing that can be paired up with many an outfit. Look out for cuts and shapes that work well with your body.
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