Night of the sex bombs 2009
* Island TV comes because of the nomination of Asdis Ran
The channel TV2 from Island and its leader Gudjon Helgason are in Bulgaria to shoot the most sexy event - "Night of the sex bombs". Their interest is dictated mostly by the Island beauty Asdis Ran, who lives in Bulgaria because of the football engagements of her husband Gardar. The star from Island is nominated
in the category "The most sexy blond" for 2009.
The winners will receive silver medallions with natural rubies from SSG's collection to make popular their campaign about defense of protected plant's and animal's species.
The rewarded will also receive a unique oudour statuette, made by Sy Deko and presents from the latest collection of Fashion house Agresia. They will also have special surprises from the fashion giant Calvin Klein.
There will be compliments for the guests - refined menu and brand drinks, as well as presents from the general sponsor of the event - "Merilline".
Lifestyle journalists from the biggest media made the nominations:
I. Sex bomb of the year
- Anya Pencheva
- Andrea
- Zlatka Raikova
- Ivena
- Nikoleta Lozanova
II. Sex symbol of the year
- Boiko Borisov
- Vlado Arabadjiev
- Grigor Dimitrov
- Niki Mihailov
- Slavi Trifonov
III. The most sexy blond
- Asdis Ran
- Veneta Raikova
- DesiSlava
- Ivanina – „Big Brother”
- Kamelia
IV. The most sexy couple
- Elly Gigova - Petko Dimitrov
- Zara – Hristo Sirakov
- Emillia – Coco Dinev
- Maria Ignatova – Dimitar Rachkov
- Natallia Gurkova – Gorge Mihalevich
V. The most sexy woman TV leader
- Gala – Nova TV
- Eva Kikerezova – “Space dust”
- Lora Krumova – „Hello Bulgaria”
- Cveti Dilcheva - BNT
- Radost – „Mirrors”
V. The most sexy mother
- Alisia
- Veneta Raikova
- Galena Dimova
- Emillia
- Mariana Marinova - Mrs Bulgaria
VI. The most sexy business lady
- Anellia Petkova - Bridel fashion
- Valia Vishanska - "Planet club"
- Desi Grableva - "Gorublian Tavern"
- Olga Uskova – “Blond's assossiation”
- Sonia Atanasova – “Princess”, “Diamonts”
VII. The most sexy model
- Jasmine
- Maria Chobanova - "Miss Snow Queene"
- Mariolla Milusheva - "Miss Diamont Paris"
- Petya Velkova
- Cveti Razlojka
VIII. The most sexy singer
- Ivena
- Nevena
- Polly Genova
- Rumina
- Samanta
Photo: Asdis Ran
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Tags:night, sex bombs, 2009, ceremony, Night of sex bombs, statuette, rewards, prize, Aggression, Calvin Kline, VIP, nominations