Madonna's boyfriend has appeared in a sexy new advert for Dolce and Gabbana

 A global Vouge celebration of fashion

Jesus Luz - who began dating the pop superstar earlier this year after meeting her on a steamy shoot for America's W magazine - stars alongside Eva Herzigova, David Gandy, Julienne Quevenne, Adam Senn and Noah Mills in the boxing-inspired shoot for the Italian fashion house's Autumn/Winter collection.

The campaign was shot in historical Brooklyn boxing sanctuary Gleason's Gym - where Mohammad Ali and Mike Tyson once trained - and photographer Steven Klein took inspiration from 1960 Italian movie 'Rocco e I Suoi Fratelli', about a family torn apart by love.

The campaign also includes an underwear advertisement - shot by Mariano Vivanco - which features five swimmers from the Italian national team posing at the iconic Circolo Aniene de Roma pool in Rome.

The advert will be featured in magazines in Italy, Britain, France, Germany and Spain later this month.

Jesus is not the only star to have recently featured in a campaign for a top fashion house.

'Harry Potter' actress Emma Watson makes her modelling debut for Burberry's autumn/winter 2009-10 collection.

Legendary photographer Mario Testino shot the pictures - which will go live from August - in various areas of London, including at Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.

It is thought she agreed to appear in the shots as she is close friends with Burberry's creative director Christopher Bailey.

Christopher said: "I wanted the images to represent both the rich history and the modernity of the Burberry brand, while at the same time reflecting a quiet beauty, timelessness and strength that is particularly significant today."
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Tags:Madonna, Madonna's boyfriend, Jesus Luz, America's W magazine

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