Lady Gaga becomes hat designer

Lady Gaga becomes hat designer Apparently the hats Lady Gaga has been wearing lately haven’t been strange enough for her, so she’s decided she wants to start designing her own hats. How to start doing that? By learning to create her headwear under milliner Philip Treacy.

The singer has applied for an internship with Treacy after the two worked together on several headpieces. He designed Lady Gaga’s lobster hat, as well as her famous telephone-shaped hat.

"The request came through quite a while ago," said a spokesperson for Treacy . "They get on well and she has applied for an internship although nothing has been confirmed yet."

Gaga will follow in the footsteps of Kanye West, who wanted to improve his knowledge of fashion by working with Louis Vuitton and Gap over the past year.

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Tags:Lady Gaga, lifestyle, designer, hats, design, milliner, fashion, models, extravagance, eccentricity, singer, celebrities, Philip Treacy

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