Fake sunglasses cause headache

Fake sunglasses cause headacheBritish experts made a new study, which shows that women should not economize from sunglasses. They found that too cheap accessories not only do not protect eyes, but they are also harmful. Fake sunglasses do not protect the retina from the UV rays, interfere clear vision and cause a headache.

According to the statistics, 2/3 from all sunglasses being sold in Great Britain are fake and at very low prices. The most common defect is that the glasses of the cheap sunglasses pass more light in the eye, which creates the illusion that objects are closer than they really are. The best combination is to buy moderately expensive sunglasses in specialized optics, advice experts.

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Tags:fake sunglasses, sunglasses, causes, headache, accessories, retina, UV rays, health, beauty

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