James Cameron teams up with Harper's Bazaar

James Cameron teams up with Harper's BazaarHe's one of the most prolific directors of all time, and James Cameron’s career is the subject of a new pictorial in Harper's Bazaar's May 2012 issue.

To mark the re-release of "Titanic" in 3D, the monthly mag put together a fashion shoot, starring model Hailey Clauson and based on four of Cameron’s super-successful films.

The fashion glossy and Mr Cameron partnered to create a behind-the-scenes expose of the styles and props used in some of his most memorable movies, including the Oscar-winning film starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Using real pieces from the sets of movies like Titanic, Terminator, Avatar and cult favorite, Aliens, the creative team collaborated on a set of looks inspired by the characters and themes of the popular flicks.

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Tags:fashion, fashion magazines, shoot, photos, photosession, Harper's Bazaar, Titanic

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