Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2013
Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2013 takes place at Fashion Tent, Plaza Senayan, from 3 to 9 November 2012. With the theme “Indonesia Today, The World Tomorrow”, this largest fashion event in Indonesia began with the collections of Lie Sang Bong, a Korean designer and the Indonesian designer Sebastian Gunawan.
In the first section, Lie Sang Bong, the Paris-based-designer, launched his collection inspired by butterflies. His couture designs were presented in irresistible palettes from blue, red, orange to green.
After the playful and colorful collection from Lie Sang Bong, the show was followed by the models of Sebastian Gunawan. The collection was inspired by marble. The feminine yet sophisticated models of Sebastian Gunawan ultimately won the loudest burst of audience applause.
1. - 10. Models of Lie Sang Bong
11. - 16. Models of
Sebastian Gunawan
Photo © Image.net
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