Irida fashion house handed its annual awards
Traditionally before Christmas holidays Irida fashion
house handed its annual awards for journalists - for
media partnership, contribution in the field of fashion
and professional reporting of fashion events during
the last year.
The event held on December 22, 2004 in Irida Gallery in the presence of guests and journalists. In Press Category the award went to Maria Netsova – First Deputy Editor in Chief of Vsichko Za Zhenata weekly paper – for reporting events organized by Irida fashion house and the Bulgarian-Russian Fashion Week in Moscow. In TV channel category the award went to Donna Petkova – reporter of Elite TV show in Bulgarian National Television – Kanal 1 – for professional reporting a fashion event and contribution in the field of fashion for the last 2004. Both winners received original artistic boxes called Fifth Element of sculptor Stefan Lyutakov.
1.Maria Netsova /left/ and Donna Petkova with their
honorary diplomas from Irida fashion house , © Bozhidar
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