Tag: EU projects
Business news
GALACTICA first call for proposals to support new value chains by European innovative SMEs
GALACTICA, which aims to demonstrate the viability of new industrial value chains regarding the textile and aerospace sectors based on advanced manufacturing across the EU, launched the first Call for proposals, with a total budget of 1.2 M€ to support European SMEs. The Call for proposals is addressed to the European SMEs and start-ups that plan to develop innovative solutions that could be part of cross-sectoral and cross-border value chains with two different funding lines.
Sustainable fashion
AEI Téxtils started two new projects to benefit the advanced textiles’ sector: GALACTICA AND TEXGLOBAL
The Catalan Technical Textiles’ Cluster AEI Téxtils started two new strategic projects for the cluster that will benefit its members, the manufacturing companies of the advanced textiles’ sector.
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