Tag: delivery
How to sell
Delivery and Returns - Festive Tips for the Fashion Industry
The retail sector has endured an incredibly difficult 2018, with the rate of closures outstripping new openings on high streets nationwide. This trend has been particularly impactful for fashion brands, which are continuing to struggle against the backdrop of a strained economic climate.
Made-to-order Men's Suits
Made-to-order - The future of the Bulgarian sewing industry
On May 15th at Richmart - one of the most modern factories for men's suits in Europe - was held a short conference about the future and the potential of the sewing industry in Bulgaria. Martin Yordanov - Richmart's owner and a business consultant - presented the Made-to-order system and the advantages that it can give to the Bulgarian industry.
Tailor-made designer shoes by Jimmy Choo
Jimmy Choo launches an online personalization service - Tailor-made designer shoes.
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