Elegant and feminine during the summer with IvMan hand knitted garments
Every woman, who wishes to look original and exquisite chooses boutique or unique clothes. An excellent choice are the fine hand knitted blouses.
At Fashion fiesta Albena 2007 the company from Rousse IvMan presented their collection boutique hand made knittwear for summer 2007. The combination of youth and love towards hand knitting make every garment, designed and produced by the IvMan team unique. The models are made of high quality yarns - cotton and silk, mainly in the modern for the season light colours. The natural materials ensure comfort in the hot summer days and evenings.
Original knits, elegant silhouettes, emphasizing the womens body, suitable for the business day and leisure time. Femininity, originality and comfort - this is characteristic of the IvMan collection designed by Alexandrina Todorova.
Models of IvMan with designer Alexandrina Todorova, presented at "Fashion Fiesta Albena 2007"
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