Dolce Stile Novo – Overflow – NABA's 2016 Fashion Show
Overflow is the result of reflections on the Dolce Stil Novo theme proposed to students at the beginning of the academic year. It is a derivation and interpretation that has been devised, designed and developed by the same students - an irrepressible flow, an explosion of harmonious colours and sounds.
The collections presented by the students constitute an example of how everything overlaps both within and outside of the fashion world, demonstrating how macro trends are fragmented into increasingly personalised and customisable proposals, some of which are destined to become mass successes and others exclusives for small niches.
The event, which was introduced with a video by the musician and radio presenter La Pina, celebrates the end of the academic year.
The three-year BA in Fashion Design, led by the Course Leader Colomba Leddi, presented the work of 15 students, a total of 45 outfits.
The catwalk creations were selected by a panel of experts and professionals from the fashion industry, who chose the most creative proposals fulfilling the needs of the fashion market: Carola Bianchi, Elle magazine journalist, Sabrina Damassa, founder of Between Design Research, Marcella Sabattini, MaxMara, Valentina Colombari and Andrea Bandiera, respectively Creative Manager and Creative Division Account Manager de Lagente and Miyuki Yajjma, journalist.
NABA's two-year specialist MA in Fashion & Textile Design, guided by its Course Leader Aldo Lanzini, will present the “NABA Collection 2016”, a clothing collection created by students representing their own NABA uniform. Individual projects will also be showcased in the film “HANDMADE DREAMS”, directed by Marco Poma, under the art direction of Cinzia Ruggeri.
50 creations from five internationally recognised schools will also be modelled at the event: Tsinghua University (China), Pearl Academy (India), AMD (Akademie Mode & Design, Germany) and UVM (Universidad del Valle de Mexico, Mexico) and SUES ( Shanghai University of Engineering Science - School of Fashion Technology). The presence of these schools testifies the value attributed to international experience by NABA, deemed an important contribution to the professional and personal growth of students.
In the opinion of Colomba Leddi, Course Leader of the three-year BA in Fashion Design, " the end-of-year fashion show is more than a show and an opportunity to present projects: students from the Fashion Styling & Communication programme, together with professionals, have designed every phase of the event, of the magazine and shooting, striving to find an original language to communicate the projects of their fellow students on the Fashion Design course. The common roots, constant exchange and synergies generated between the students of the two course specialisations, represent the innovative strength of NABA's three-year course in Fashion Design".
Nicoletta Morozzi, Leader of NABA Fashion Projects, describes the work completed on the ‘Dolce Stil Novo – Overflow’ theme by the students: “The Fashion Show is a testimonial of a continually evolving school, invariably ready to embrace signs of change, inspire new trends, but without being tied to a single thread of interpretation – welcoming diversity as a part of the contemporary. Committed to the success of students and graduates in being the next generation of makers of the creative industry”.
Alberto Bonisoli, Chief Academic Officer of NABA concludes: “The fashion show is the culmination of a course of studies in which students have tackled on a daily basis real challenges and projects, such as, for example, the creation of a collection. In fact, we believe that the best way to create real creative professionals is to combine both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, thus facilitating young designers to successfully enter the labour market. We are also delighted to host the creations of foreign partner schools, encouraging the exchange and contamination of ideas in a profession that is increasingly international”.
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Tags:NABA, overflow, fashion show, Dolce Stile Novo, design, education, catwalk, outfit, event, school, university, collection, market, industry