Most Stylish Men 2018 are Adam Lambert, Engin Akyurek and Johnny Depp
Most Stylish Men 2018 are Adam Lambert, Engin Akyurek and Johnny Depp. We thank all fans for the support through the year. And while Adam Lambert and Johnny Depp had their support mostly from the USA and the English speaking fans, Engin Aky?rek was supported from Spanish speaking people and there were many fans from Hundary, who just sent his name as a confirmation to their votes.
We received very nice comments and emails in support of the celebrities. Here are some of them:
Adam Lambert wears his clothes so fantastically he looks so magnificent in anything he wears.
Debra Welsh
ADAM is the most handsome .. most stylish man on the planet & his talent is limitless!! He deserves the title above all men!!
Theresa Dailey
Adam is a trend setter, ahead of his time, whimsical, bold, fun, brave and elegant as well, appropriate when classic fashion dictates. His suits are designer, exquisitely tailored & worn as well & authentically as the most handsome, accomplished fashion model. Adam excites, his fashion choices always an anticipated surprise. I don't know anyone more deserving of this recognition than Adam Lambert!
Sharon Bunn
Adam looks like a super model and is not afraid to try new styles/ideas and mix things up. NOthing conventional or boring about him yet he stays stylish and cool regardless. I also love how he constantly promotes his friends who design fashion and jewellery. He's a great guy. Adam's philosophy is that it doesnt matter what you wear as long as you are confident and can carry off whatever the look is you've chosen. He embodies that ideal and never takes it all too seriously. Many others copy his style after he's worn it but none ever look quite as good!!
Jacqueline Esther
Mr. Engin Akyurek has everything, kindness, sweetness, beauty, good personality, Angel heart, and great character, he is legend.. God bless him and protect him.
Aviva Shimon
Johnny Depp has impeccable taste in clothing, Hats and Jewelry. No matter what type of event/affair he goes to he always wears the proper attire and looks great. He dresses not only for himself to suit the occasion but also for his fans.
He is a one of a kind in his Styles and Personality. Thank you for giving us all the opportunity to vote for whom we feel is The Most Stylish Celebrity.
Jennifer B Rotureau
Johnny Depp helps to establish personal fashion for men of all ages. He has proven over the years that the style you as a person choose is the best for you.
Bettie Jane Mills
John is unique in everything he embarks upon, especially fashion. He has never faltered from his style choices in the (35) years I’ve grown up with him. One particular thing I admire in regards to John’s fashion is he is ultimately inspired by his fan’s and by those whom are his role models as he will proudly sport endless jewelry as well as shirts, etc; given to him by fan’s because to him, these gifts have more value than a brand name or even gold itself! As I refer to him as “John”, I am speaking of the very talented, “Johnny Depp” ! John is, by far, hands down, an icon in his fashion choices! I vote, Johnny Deep!
Tanya Bridges Wilson
I am voting for Johnny Depp. Whether in a suit for premieres and award ceremonies or dressed up as a rock star or Pirate, Johnny Depp is the most stylish man on the planet / in the universe. He is also one of the loveliest people you could wish to meet and so dedicated to his fans.
Tracy Jane Wilton
Thank you and Happy New Year!
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