Collection Autumn-Winter 2009/2010 of Susana Escribano

Susana EscribanoSusana Escribano is a young designer from Spain. She presented her collection Autumn/Winter 2009/2010 at Castilla y Leon Fashion week in March 2009.

Her collection is inspired by the Dark Punk-Goth world, where darkness and mystery accompany you, where you feel pleased to be an active part of darkness, gloom and death.

To be Gothic is not only to be sensitive, to read the damned poets and to listen to Lagrimosa. To be Gothic is also to be able to seduce to owns and to scare the strangers. A Gothic is born, it is not made.

The Gothic is beauty, it is fear, it is sadness, cry and sobs, it is bitterness for an unreachable goal, but it is peace, it is calm and still, it is the whisper of the wind in a cold winter night, it is a fresh breeze in a summer night, it is the hand that wraps up when you are cold, the lips that kiss you when you feel alone. The Gothic is the beauty of seeing fall a feather staggering, drifting in the wind, being free for a brief instant.

The Gothic world has its own creations, combinations and dressing styles influenced by numberless factors, movements, thoughts, music, etc., in this case I have created a casual Gothic, with bohemian air, inspired by times of mystery and romanticism.

Model of Susana EscribanoModel of Susana EscribanoModel of Susana Escribano

Model of Susana EscribanoModel of Susana EscribanoModel of Susana Escribano

Model of Susana EscribanoModel of Susana EscribanoModel of Susana Escribano

Exaggerated lines creating new silhouettes, even something heavy. Dramatic and poetic shirts and jackets with gummy necks and wide and balloon sleeves, designed through a thought and elaborated pattering work, ending up with right simple lines or bendding them at the hip height.

In the lower part of the body, pants and skirts, pencil style .right and simple, but always taking care of the details to be distinguished of the other ones, with cuts and back stitchings placed in strategic parts.

As for colors, as it could not be otherwise, black as base, combined with white, beige and gray.

For this collection she has used simple fabrics, poplin for shirts and dresses, serges raincoat type for the pants and skirts, and fine galga stitch for vests, jackets and even dresses. All of them have the cotton as common point, getting this way a warm, lovely, and casual atmosphere, where the lines are highlighted after all they are "the main characters."

Model of Susana EscribanoModel of Susana Escribano


1. - 14. Models of Susana Escribano for autumn/winter 2009/2010, shown on Castilla y Leon Fashion week
Photo 2. - 12. ©
Photo 1., 13. - 14. © Castilla y Leon Fashion week

Model of Susana EscribanoModel of Susana Escribano

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Tags:collection, autumn, winter, 2009, 2010, Susana Escribano, designer, Spain, Castilla y Leon, Gothic, models, dark, black, clothes

About the Author

Silvia Kabaivanova

As the founder of Be Global Fashion Network and several other fashion websites, Silvia has been working for more than 20 years covering fashion industry trends and news. With a passion for the fashion business, she focuses on sustainable fashion and innovations, custom fashion and print on demand services. Silvia is a Chairman of Bulgarian Fashion Association. You can reach her at

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