Men's Fashion Cluster organizes International contest for photographers and filmmakers

As we have already announced the Men's fashion cluster organizes International fashion design contest for designers, fashion photographers and filmmakers with theme 'Men's suit - modern and practical'.

If you are a fashion photographer or filmmaker, the MFC's contest is an excellent business opportunity for you.

Men's Fashion Cluster organizes contest for photographers and filmmakers

For participating in the contest you should send via email
= your own fashion photography pictures;
= declaration that the pictures are yours (in free writing) and they can be published on the site of the contest.
= short video (wanted interesting and original videos, representing the male style of dress);
= declaration that the videos are your own (in free writing) and they can be published on the contest's site.

Monthly prizes of the contest include:
- 5 prizes (only for photographers) - invitation for a photo session of the designers (the photo session will be paid to the photographers);
- 5 prizes - a custom made jacket from the designer's collection;
- 20 prizes - PR publications for the photographer and the filmmakers and publishing of the pictures and the videos in the partner medias of the project.

The annual prize is an advertising in a book for designers (30 prizes).

We wish good luck to all participants!

For more information visit:

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Tags:Men's Fashion Cluster, contest, photographers, filmmakers, international contest, fashion contest, men's suit, menswear, style, fashion photography pictures, short video, prizes

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