Tag: machinery
The professionals from the textile industry will meet at the exhibition TMT Expo in Bulgaria
For the second consecutive year the representatives of the textile sector will gather in Bulgaria. From 25 to 27 September, the second edition of the exhibition TMT Expo will take place at the International Expo Center in Sofia. The Forum will build an ecosystem to present trends in materials, machinery and technology in the textile industry, building professional contacts and sustainable business.
VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies
The manufacturers of sewing and garment technology as well as machines for processing technical textiles look back on a turbulent year in 2018: While the sector reported a substantial increase of 120 percent in cumulative terms between 2009 and 2017, exports in 2018 fell by 16.7 percent from 603 million Euros in 2017 to 502 million Euros in 2018. "The industry is experiencing strong uncertainty among its customers, which has a negative impact on investment behaviour," said Elgar Straub, Managing Director of VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies (TFL), at the opening press conference of the Texprocess in Frankfurt. "The overbureaucratisation in Germany, such as the Posting of Workers Directive or the DSGVO, the threat of Brexit and the national tendencies in many European countries, but also the situation in Turkey, the trade dispute between the USA and China and the ever more severe trade sanctions set up by the USA - all this is bringing considerable unrest to the markets.
Sam Weller & Sons Ltd. - Worldwide leaders in decatising wrapper manufacturing
Sam Weller & Sons Ltd. is one of the leading decatising wrapper manufacturers in the world. The company was founded in 1911, and for more than three quarters of a century it has worked with the cloth finishing industry, providing an unrivalled knowledge in the manufacture and application of decatising wrappers.
Savile Clifford Ltd. - English manufacturer of high quality fabrics for formalwear and tailoring
There was originally a company named Savile Clifford established over one hundred years ago. They were a weaver based in Huddersfield, the historical birthplace of fancy worsted fabrics. However, over the years a lot of the history surrounding Savile Clifford has become somewhat clouded after the company was taken over numerous times.
Made To Measure and Made To Order - The New Fashion Formula - From Sheep to Suit
The global men's fashion supply chain is driven by large brands which dictate styles, materials and prices. Traditional contract manufacturing for these brands operates under price-based competition. In order to break out of this dead end, Richmart, the most modern made-to-measure men's suits factory in Eastern Europe, decided to reconfigure its entire supply chain. The managers undertook a detailed Thinking Process analysis of the supply chain, based on the principles of the Theory of Constraints and decided to move towards a win-win partnership between all parties involved from the wool through fabric, machinery and equipment to sewing factories and fashion consultants to the consumer. The Sales Director of Men's Fashion Group Dean Manev and Martina Martini (Art Director) made a presentation about Made To Measure and Made To Order services during the International TOCICO conference in Berlin, Germany on 19 July.
The European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers
CEMATEX (Comité Européen des Constructeurs de Machines Textiles / The European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers) is an organisation comprising 9 national European textile machinery associations in the free market economy.
New company awarded contract to organize ITMA 2019
CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers, has announced that it has awarded a contract to a new company, ITMA Services, to organize its ITMA 2019 show.
Sustainability agenda drives attendance at ITMA 2015
The global textile and garment manufacturing industry converged at ITMA 2015 in Milan to source innovative solutions to enhance their business sustainability. Their commitment to sustainability is evident from the strong industry turnout. At the end of eight days, the 17th edition of the world's most established textile and garment technology exhibition attracted visitorship of almost 123,000 from 147 economies.
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