Tag: protein
5 Delicious and Protein Rich Meals for the Aspiring Male Model
If you’ve ever researched how to build up muscle muss, then you’ve certainly come across the following piece of advice:
What You Need To Know About Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a wax-like, fatty substance which is naturally found in all the cells of the body. It is needed to synthesize vitamin D and manufacture hormones, among other things. Your body mostly manufactures all the cholesterol it needs in your liver and you can also get it in the foods you eat, such as meat, full-fat dairy, eggs, coconut oil and more.
The secret of good figure in 6 steps
Leading nutritionists compiled a list of six steps that every woman can do to look better.
TENCEL® + Shellfish = TENCEL® C: The latest fiber innovation from Lenzing
It is a luxury for many people to eat lobster, langouste or shrimps. An experience of joy arises when the seafood’s hard shell is finally cracked and nothing stands in the way of the tender meat andstarting to savor its taste.
But the true luxury of these delicacies is the leftover shells, which are usually discarded mindlessly as organic waste. The molecular structural substance of the shell is called chitin, from which one can derive Chitosan.
Homemade facial mask for oily skin
We offer you three recipes, suitable for oily skin.
Mask "yolk":
Mix one yolk with the juice of half lemon and teaspoon of olive oil. Stir the mixture well. Apply on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off.
Mask "albumen":
For this you need the albumen (white) of one egg, 1 teaspoon olive oil and deep chopped carrot. Mix the ingredients well...
The good breakfast
Here is a list of the products , according to their use, which are perfect for breakfast .
And although every organism needs to have a lots of different substances, breakfast after getting up from bed is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day .
1. Orange juice. It will give you a good supply of vitamin C throughout the day.
2. Rye bread....
The beauty secrets of Sharon Stone
The 'Basic Instinct' beauty Sharon Stone likes her reflection less since she turned 51, but still loves her "strong" nose. She said: "I have a really good nose. Our family has good noses - each different, but all strong and defining."
When it comes to beauty treatments, Sharon subscribes to the "less is more philosophy". She doesn't wear much makeup, never gets facials and sees her hairdresser as little as possible. But no matter how busy she is, she always makes time for regular massages, meditation and long baths.
Natural Collagen Formula Q5-26
Unlike any other cosmetics the natural collagen products eliminate the causes not only the results from the aging of the skin.
30% of the human proteins consist of collagen. It is responsible for the elasticity, flexibility and moisture of the skin as well as the constant renovation of her cells. As we grow older the amount of collagen diminishes which appears to be the main reason of wrinkles appearance.
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