BGFN Readers' Most Stylish Men June 2016 are announced
For the sixth time in 2016, the readers of Be Global Fashion Network chose their male stylish icons. This month, the winners are...
Cinema - Engin Akyurek
Music - Cliff Richard
Sport - Roger Federer
Science and Culture - David Gandy
Politics - Prince William
Business - Bobby Flay
BGFN Most Stylish Men is a global readers' voting aiming to notice all stylish men, who dress to impress in addition to their professional achievements and social responsible behavior.
Most Stylish Men voting will be open again on July so that you can select your favorites for the next month. We will continue adding more photos and nominees, so more stylish men could have the chance to be noticed and appreciated.
See also:
Engin Akyurek is the winner in Most Stylish Men May 2016 - Category Cinema
Sir Cliff Richard is the winner in Most Stylish Men 2015 - Category Music
David Gandy is the winner in Most Stylish Men May 2016 - Category Science and Culture
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