The companies from Rousse showed again a lot of style and finesse

On 20 December 2005 in the restaurant of the Danube Plaza hotel took place the Christmas show of Rousse Fashion 2005, organized by the Branch Union of Light Industries Producers - Rousse.

This third fashion show coincided with the celebrations of 110 years of the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Days of enterprise, which they organise.

Their collections presented the companies Arda, Ariston-S, Bordo, Geana, Markam, Messalina, Optima VKR, Saglasie, Politex and the Vocational school of apparel.

The clothes were presented by the models of Ivet Fashion and Elit D fashion agencies. The show was led by the actress Yoana Bukovska.


1. Yoana Bukovska
2., 3. and 4. Models of Messalina
5. and 6. Models of Ariston - S
7., 8. and 9. Models of Geana
10., 11. and 12. Models of Optima VKR with the brand name “Estel Collection”
13., 14. and 15. Models of Politex AD
16., 17. and 18. Models of Vocational school of apparel
19., 20. and 21. Models of fashion house Bordo
22., 23. and 24. Models of Saglasie
25., 26. and 27. Models of Markam
28., 29. and 30. Models of Arda - Rousse


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Tags:fashion house, fashion, designers, Rousse, style, finesse, Arda, Bordo, Geana, Ariston-s, Messalina, Markam

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