Tag: meal
5 Delicious and Protein Rich Meals for the Aspiring Male Model
If you’ve ever researched how to build up muscle muss, then you’ve certainly come across the following piece of advice:
How To Stay Fit While on a Business Trip
When you travel for business, you want to stay fit. If you travel full time, then you know staying fit is almost impossible. Humans are creatures of habit and love routines. We tend to wake up at the same time each day, work out at the same time, and eat planned meals.
On a diet – the dos and don’ts of dieting
Oh, what a complicated task it is, to diet. It’s necessary, you can’t argue with that, but damn is it hard not to cheat. Even so, when you compel yourself to stay faithful to your task, you might still find it extremely hard to get the job done. That’s because dieting means more than just eating this and that instead of something else. It’s about how you eat when you eat, and other such details. Respecting these details is how you differentiate losing weight in a year from being able to lose weight in a month. Before you start your diet or if you’re trying to jumpstart a failed one, keep these things in mind:
Half an avocado helps you eat less
Experts say that avocado reduces the feeling of hunger between two meals. Half an avocado at lunch helps you to feel full for longer.
The study compares a lunch combined with avocado, and one which the fruit missing. The results show that the avocado stimulates the feeling of satiety, the insulin in the body and blood circulation.
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