Tag: nutrition
How To Stay Fit While on a Business Trip
When you travel for business, you want to stay fit. If you travel full time, then you know staying fit is almost impossible. Humans are creatures of habit and love routines. We tend to wake up at the same time each day, work out at the same time, and eat planned meals.
How to survive after the holidays
The holiday season is over yet holiday hangovers are just winding down. And as our bodies are adversely affected by excessive food and partying, detoxification is a must. Here are some simple tips with great effect.
Before you reach for the alcohol is important to eat enough and healthy. Most suitable are rich in fat and protein foods such as sardines or spaghetti. They are digested more slowly and the alcohol after them has no impact so quickly.
Basic care tips for naturally beautiful hair
Here are some tips to help your hair look and feel beautiful and smooth.
Use a professional shampoo and conditioner that is formulated for your hair type. A good selection of those products is a must have. Just remember to stay away from the all-in-one conditioner and shampoo combos. Avoid shampoos that contain sodium laurel sulfate, because this chemical synthetic detergents that are used in dishwashing liquid.
The good breakfast
Here is a list of the products , according to their use, which are perfect for breakfast .
And although every organism needs to have a lots of different substances, breakfast after getting up from bed is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day .
1. Orange juice. It will give you a good supply of vitamin C throughout the day.
2. Rye bread....
The stress reflects on the condition of the hair
Hair needs constant care, which do not consist only in the use of shampoos, conditioners, masks, etc. There are more important factors affecting to its condition.
Hair becomes thinner if the body is experiencing vitamin and
micronutrients deficiency. So if you want to be healthy, pay attention to the food – you should use products, containing a sufficient quantity of vitamins of group B, A, C, E, beta carotene, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper.
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