Tag: online magazine
Online shopping made easier with SpiralFashion.com
Online shopping for clothes and apparel gets more and more popular in Eastern Europe. The competition on the local market makes us move forward and the real winner is you - the end customer.
At SpiralFashion.com we are one of the innovators in the fashion and casual clothing online market in this more and more popular niche. From men clothing to and women clothes to underwear, stockings and tights – over 600 unique products all of them made in the European Union. Less than a year online, we have attracted over 90000 curious visitors and hundreds and customers all over Eastern Europe. How do we do it?
The most-elegant Bulgarians for 2010 were chosen
Elena Petrova, Gala, Valentina Voykova, Kalin Vratchanski and Vladimir Karamazov are the most elegant Bulgarians for 2010, according to the popular online magazine Fashion Lifestyle Magazine with editor-in-chief Lubomir Stoykov. The new “BG fashion icons” for 2010 were chosen by the readers of the magazine after online voting and by an expert panel of 30 leading fashion and lifestyle journalists and the editorial team of Fashion Lifestyle Magazine.
A new online magazine is born: Fashion Lifestyle Magazine
On 1 August 2007 was officially announced the start of the electronic magazine for fashion and lifestyle “Fashion Lifestyle Magazine”. Editor-in-chief is Assoc. prof. Dr. Lubomir Stoykov. The online magazine is published by the consultancy house "Ot igla do konetz" and Fashion.bg Ltd., the owner and publisher of the biggest Bulgarian fashion directory Fashion.BG managed by Mrs. Silvia Kabaivanova, who is the managing editor of the new editorial.
Editor's Choice