Special launch of the Cos Menswear Capsule Collection
During Pitti Uomo 94, the London-based fashion brand COS will present “Soma,” a capsule collection of essential menswear garments characterized by comfort and high-level design. A special event will be held for the launch of the collection in a stunning location in the city involving the participation of the famous British choreographer Wayne McGregor.
Wayne McGregor will put the collection into movement by focusing on the routinesubtle gestures associated with menswear. ‘Playfully exploring the COS collection with a mindfulness and fresh awareness of the wearer, we will create a specifically commissioned work by subverting these everyday gestures alongside the designs. We will appropriate everyday movement and transform it into new fictions, as Company Wayne McGregor dancers inhabit the COS collection infused by their own individual physical signatures’, McGregor explained. ‘We are happy that COS, an icon of style and model of high quality accessibility, has chosen Pitti Uomo 94 for the launching of its new men’s project’, declares Raffaello Napoleone, Pitti Immagine CEO. ‘Florence has once again demonstrated itself to be the ideal stage for international events of great impact’.
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Tags:Pitti Uomo 94, Soma, COS, brand, capsule collection, Wayne McGregor, design, event, style, model, high quality