Tag: UV
5 Things a Girl Should Splurge on to Always Look Her Best
It’s natural for any person to want to look stunning. However, many people today think that to achieve this they have to pay a fortune for designer clothes, organic foods, gym memberships, etc. The truth is that there are only a few things a girl should splurge on. Choose them wisely and you’ll look amazing even when living on a tight budget.
Tranzend Launches High-Tech, Adaptable, Waterproof Suit on Kickstarter
Sartorial aesthetics, sophisticated technology and environmental sustainability combined into a single two-piece suit for all occasions.
How to Choose the Perfect Golf Jacket
Golf jackets are a compulsory part of your golfing kit, especially when playing here in the UK – we never know when the weather will turn nasty on you. There are lots of styles of golf jacket available, each offering benefits that can be useful when on the course. So how do you choose the perfect golf jacket?
Fake sunglasses cause headache
British experts made a new study, which shows that women should not economize from sunglasses. They found that too cheap accessories not only do not protect eyes, but they are also harmful. Fake sunglasses do not protect the retina from the UV rays, interfere clear vision and cause a headache.
According to the statistics, 2/3 from all sunglasses being sold in Great Britain are fake and at very low prices.
For women over 45, who wish to look as young as they feel
Between the ages of 50 and 60 the skin's collagen fibres become fragmented and connective tissue becomes weaker, levels of the naturally occuring hyaluranon decreases significantly.
Instant skin lift with Nivea Visage Expert Lift is part of the innovative skincare system from Nivea Visage that provides instant lifting results and long-term contouring.
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