Tag: Show
Jean Paul Gaultier's Fashion Freak Show was presented in Tokyo
A presentation of Jean Paul Gaultier Fashion Freak Show was made during Tokyo Creative Salon 2023 on 19 th March 2023. The show is coming to Tokyo's Orb Theater in from 19th May to 4th June 2023.
MOMAD Metropolis in September 2018
MOMAD Metropolis - the International Fashion Trade Show is moving ahead swiftly as regards content for its 6th edition, which takes place from 7 to 9 September at IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, concurrently with MOMAD Shoes, the International Footwear Trade Show.
Trend Spring/Summer 2019: A yearning for wide, open spaces
Summer is calling and awakening a longing in us for the endlessness of the sea, foreign cultures and vast expanses. The Spring/Summer 2019 collections by the exhibitors of Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin are an homage to the vast open spaces awaiting us outside of the cities and their invigorating energy and freedom. Typical elements: natural materials, harmonious colour palettes, folklore details and traditional craftsmanship techniques.
Rubbish Removal Hits the Fashion Industry
If you're looking for new ideas on what to do with your rubbish before rubbish removal, consider this recent news story! The ninth annual Festival of Arts Runway Fashion Show, part of the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts, was held August 12, 2017. If you're conjuring up mental images of silk gowns and expensive fancy lace, think again! At least eighty percent of materials for each outfit worn at this fashion show must be made from recycled, reclaimed, or reused materials! The fashions are created by artists with a great deal of creativity and the crowds this show draws includes people very passionate about saving Planet Earth.
MILANO UNICA AND ICE AGENCY - United to promote Italian textiles
Starting from next September, the fashion shows in Milan will be held concurrently with the Women’s Fashion Week. This was confirmed by Ivan Scalfarotto, Deputy Secretary at the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, the Ministry that, together with ICE Agency, the Italian Trade Promotion Agency, has provided unfailing support to Milano Unica and the entire fashion supply chain.
Tommy Hilfiger presents Fall 2017 Hilfiger Edition collection
Tommy Hilfiger hosted an exclusive presentation during Pitti Immagine Uomo to showcase the Fall 2017 Hilfiger Edition collection on January 10, 2017. Tommy and Dee Hilfiger were joined by guests including Lucky Blue Smith, Rafferty Law, Gabriel Kane Lewis, Presley Gerber, Julian Ocleppo, Johannes Huebl and Jim Chapman at the historic Palazzo Corsini in the heart of Florence.
Fashion Fairs and Trade Shows 2017 in Europe and USA
We are going to present you the fairs that are coming during the next year. You will see the dates, the places and a brief description of the fair so you could choose which of them to visit. We will separate the fairs in two groups - Menswear Trade Fairs and Textile Trade Fairs.
Celebrities' style: Jimmy Fallon
James Thomas "Jimmy" Fallon is an American comedian, television host, actor, singer, writer and producer, best known for his work on Saturday Night Live and as the host of late-night talk show The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
Happy Birthday Celebrities: James Corden
James Kimberley Corden is an English actor, writer, producer, comedian and television host, currently hosting The Late Late Show with James Corden on CBS. He is a birthday boy today and we wish him to keep his charm and strong presence on the screen.
Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin: the most successful edition of the trade-fair duo ever
The Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin closed their doors today, Wednesday, after the most successful edition of the trade-fair duo ever. 163 international exhibitors (+30 percent) from 23 countries and lots of visitors throughout the fair underscored the on-going process of expansion in the sector whereby the new venue, the ‘Postbahnhof’ event centre, proved to be an outstanding location from 19 to 21 January 2015. As an offsite event of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin, the Salonshow presented curated and sharply accentuated fashion highlights from the two fairs in the crowded Club of the ‘Postbahnhof’.
Cancer survivors at Islamic Fashion Festival
PINK Unity (PU), a cancer support group of the National Cancer Society, collaborated with the Islamic Fashion Festival to raise much-needed funds for activities to help cancer patients and survivors win the battle against the disease.
London Collections: Men - Spring/Summer 2015
TOPMAN and Fashion East’s leading designer support scheme MAN returns to London Collections Men in June 2014 to showcase the most exciting new menswear talent. Established in 2005, MAN continues to champion and launch the brightest emerging designers in an unmissable group catwalk show.
IFEMA will present the fashion shows of 40 great Spanish designers of the moment at the 59th Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid (MBFWM), an event organised by IFEMA and the best showcase for creation and new trends in Spain within the field of fashion, will hold its fifty-ninth event from 14th to 18th February 2014 at Feria de Madrid.
Over a period of five days, Hall 14.1 at Feria de Madrid will provide the setting for the forty best Spanish designers of the moment to present their collections for Autumn/Winter 2014-15.
Junk Fashion Show 2014 in Poland
Between January 30th and February 2nd 2014 in Krakow, Poland, took place the Eko Fashion Weekend.
We offer you to see the creations made of paper by the students of the School of Art and Fashion Design, during the Junk Fashion Show 2014.
XVI International Festival of Coiffure and Beauty
XVI Annual edition of the Festival of Coiffure and Beauty was held on October 20, 2013 in Hall 3 of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Once again the biggest event in the hairdressing industry gathered together many professionals and connoisseurs of beauty from Bulgaria and abroad.
The latest trends in hairstyles for Fall-Winter 2013/2014 were presented - both in the competition, where young hairdressers competed and in the Show of Nations.
Mercedes-benz fashion week Australia - Spring-Summer 2012 Shows
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia takes place from 30 April to 4 May. Big names in Australian fashion hit the runway - Lisa Ho, Joanna Johnson, Zimmerman, Gail Sorronda, Ellery, Camilla, Oroton.
Gail Sorronda became the highlight of the opening day of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia. Sorronda made her models stood up on blocks like mannequins and model the clothes that give an intimate view of the collection. She used bright colors with bold shapes like circles and stripes. Elements of quirkiness, comfort and unique character are predominant in most of her designs.
International Flamenco Fashion Show 2012 in Seville
From 2nd to 5th February took place the18th edition of the Seville International Flamenco Fashion Show 2012.
Flamenco flowers, dresses, shawls, shoes, necklaces and earrings were showcased at the fashion event in Seville, Spain. Twenty-four parades with 1200 dresses by professional designers such as Aurora Gaviño, Pilar Freire, Vicky Martín Berrocal, Juana Martín, Ana Morón, Cristo Báñez and Luchi Cabrera were presented. Visitors got a first glance of the latest in Flamenco Fashion.
Colorful Winter 2012 with the collection of Modis
On Friday, Rousse fashion house Modis presented its collection for Autumn/Winter 2011/2012 with designer Valery Gidionov.
Traditionally, on the catwalk marched the models of Elit-D Diana Poptoneva, who presented 109 new outfits of the brand. Wool coats with playful combinations of green, pink, yellow and white predict colorful winter. Elegant suits, dresses and shirts sparkled in red and dusky rose, creating a great mood.
13th International FUR and LEATHER exhibition LeShow-Moscow
The 13th International Fur and Leather exhibition “LeShow” is held in
Moscow, on 18-20 May 2010, at the Exhibition centre “Expocentr”. It is the
only professional exhibition on the territory of Russian Federation in the
fur and leather industrial sector, the space of which is over 6000 sq.m.
In the 13th International Fur and Leather exhibition LeShow about 100 leading
industrial and trade companies from Russia, the Ukraine, Belorussia, China,
Turkey, Argentina, Pakistan, Poland, India, USA and others will take part.
Show me your... "SLOGGI"!
“Sloggi” decided to make a quest for the worlds most beautiful bottom. The beginning of the competition in Bulgaria was announced at a press conference, where Mrs. Dora Black - General manager of "Triumph Bulgaria" declared the aims of the campaign.
The best male and female bottom in the world quest “Show me your sloggi” will win a cash prize of 10,000 euros each and a lucrative modelling contract, as well as an insurance for their bottoms.
In the start of the competition in Bulgaria took part the girls and boys from the “New X” ballet, who presented the newest autumn collection underwear and swimwear accompanied by the “Sloggi” song.
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